Mary Middlefield - 'Heart's Desire'

Swiss enchanting songstress Mary Middlefield just released her painstakingly open-hearted, genre-bending single ‘Heart’s Desire’ and it is the elevated alternative pop track we needed on this dreary winter evening.

‘Heart’s Desire’ is a powerful track driven by dark guitar lines and angelic vocals. Middlefield has only just landed on our radar but she leaves quite the impression with her latest musical brainchild. On the track she’s introspective and vulnerable, bringing a delicate release depicting a Stockholm syndrome-like experience of a manipulative relationship. If not in a romantic relationship, some of us might’ve experienced similar manipulative relationships in friendship groups when we were younger, or when dealing with family members. Mary carefully pulls apart the issue and writes about it from her heart’s desire.

She sings, uncovers, shares, and screams to go through the process of dealing with the manipulators she’s encountered in life and those listening go through that process with her. Hers is a truly immersive sound, making us feel seen, heard, and accepted in whichever shape or form we come in. The single comes with a striking live music video which is nearly more captivating then the single on its own. We see her face her demons and grow in strength throughout, by the end all we want is to scream along with her.

Speaking about the single's themes, Middlefield says: "It’s a song about statutory rape and knowingly falling for someone who’s manipulating you and inappropriately older than you. It’s not a love song and it shouldn’t be seen that way. As young women, we’re often preyed on by people with authority who not only use toxic methods to get the results they’d like, but also project their desires, whether sexual, professional or both. I don’t want to give too much of my personal experience away: most of it is already in the song anyway."

Middlefield and her band bring a strong performance and an electrifying sound that takes influences from indie pop, rock and has a ghostly yet soulful touch. The single follows recent singles ‘Sexless’ and ‘Atlantis’ and is promised to be followed by more new music soon. Her latest music is a purging of emotion, and that’s allowing her to move forward with a clear mind and a clean palette. But for now, this is music for the people who are stuck, scorned and lonely. Middlefield invites you to suffer and yearn and scream alongside her.

Words by Laura Rosierse

WTHB OnlineReviews, Single Review