Single Review: HEALTH - 'New Coke'.

Ever since abandoning the Liars-leaning schtick of their debut, HEALTH have been masters of melding psychoactive menace with beguiling danceability. Akin to their good friends Crystal Castles, the LA noisesters have a knack for simultaneously captivating, energizing and scaring the living bejesus out of their listener. 'New Coke' is a more than perfect example of this formula in action. Opening with pulsating synthesis and rattling, racing percussion, it soon gives way to oppressive bass blasts and concussive boom-claps, like Sleigh Bells' evil DMT'd twin. It's stark hedonism, defined by bleakness and self-ruin; "life is good" aches vocalist/guitarist Benjamin Jared Miller, assuming the role of someone attempting to convince themselves that yes, they have taken just enough substances to escape all of their problems. This sordid excess then tranforms in to all-encompassing horror, followed by reflective distress. As if watching a good friend get horrifically wankered, it's entertaining and harrowing in equal and thorough measures.

If this song sounds like your Saturday night, you are in for an eventful evening. Also, good luck.

Single Review: HEALTH - 'New Coke' by Lewis Cato.

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