The Band Explains: Close Talker - 'Burnstick'. (Video)
The Band Explains: "The filming for Burnstick happened on the night of the Thanksgiving holiday in Canada in a rural area of British Columbia. Before meeting our director Nathan Boey and crew in the seemingly middle of nowhere, we were fortunate enough to be hosted by some close family friends for a feast. We filmed the video from 8pm to 8am on a cold and rainy night. We had chatted with Nathan a little bit about concepts and what not but for the most part, we gave him full artistic license as we had worked with him before and trusted him fully. The final product turned into a cool panorama video effect including lots of pyrotechnics and cool post effects. Shooting the video included lots of repetition from various angles. As you can see we are all wearing rubber boots in the video. Truth is, we only had one pair of rubber boots, so the night consisted of about 300 "boot changes" between the four of us. We were also working with two black shirts that we shared between the four of us, one of which was incredibly stinky. It was a long night, but because we were able to play with fire, it went by quickly. A highlight was definitely ending with some trampoline stunts in front of a green screen where we all got to show off our coolest moves. They were somewhat successful… Overall we are super happy with the video and think that it showcases a lot of Nathan's film wizardry. It was a lot of fun to film and a night that will stick with us for a long time. "