Single Review: Matt Woods - 'Blue Skies'.

There's something instantly warm and familiar about Cornish-born, London-based Matt Woods' sound. 'Blue Skies' may not be his first release, but for us (as a blog), it marks our own introduction to the singer songwriter. 'Blue Skies' follows on from tracks 'In The Dark' and 'Impression' that are all flawless "future-soul" offerings in their own formidable right. Having spent his childhood singing in the Truro Cathedral choir, Matt has had plenty of time to hone the wide range of vocal texture and tone evident in his unique singing voice, to the best of his incredible ability. From smoky, gruff, lows to soaring soulful highs, Matt leaves no note unsung in 'Blue Skies'. This vocal variety is supported by passionate choral harmonies, and experimental electronics that trickle down in smooth cool beats, before crying out in whirls and buzzes of urgency. An urgency that coincides with the track's lyrical theme, as Matt explains:

“['Blue Skies'] is about falling in love with your best friend, and hoping for that impossible situation,”

Matt Woods is making music that reminds us of Hozier-meeting-James Bay-meeting-Sam Smith, yet still holds on to the strong sense of identity that he has been cultivating for himself. This is the type of music that fits in with the crowd, yet simultaneously stands out, headstrong and unchallenged.

Words of Karla Harris

Matt Woods: Facebook || Twitter

Check out his upcoming shows in Los Angeles & London.
4th November - Zigfrid von Underbelly, London
9th October - Hotel Café, Los Angeles
12th October - School Night @ Bardot, Los Angeles
19th October - Electrowerkz, London