The Band Explains: Bagarre - 'Macadam'. (Video)

Who: Bagarre (which means “brawl”) are a young five-piece hailing from Paris,France.

About The Track: 'Macadam' is taken from the band's 'Musique De Club' EP which saw its UK release on November 13th. The track is lyrically entirely in French and features alternating spacious and layered synths, call and response male/female harmonies and combines Ghetto House, futuristic oriental melodies and chanson française. This is a fun and hip track with an underlying serious side.

The Band Explains: "Originally, this song was entitled "D971". This is the name of a road in the french countryside where you can see some flowers under trees on its side, in memory of people who have lost their lives in car crashes. Actually, two bouquets of flowers are here for two of our friends who died in an accident after a night out in a club. We could have kept this title but we decided to call it « Macadam » in order to make it universal and poetic.. And also, to focus on life rather than death because these nights out are important to those they live them.. Fortunately, most of the time, it ends better!" - Félicie.

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