Single Review: Lake Komo - 'Resurrect'

It's really nice to see a band that not only has interests, but are vocal about them. Some of our favourite "interests" listed on  Lake Komo's Facebook page are: "protein, gingers (both the biscuits and the people), using sturdy loaves of bread for shoes, cats in hats and rugs". It's not clear whether these interests also act as influences on their music but we can only imagine that they might.

We'd happily take bets that the story behind the lyrics of 'Resurrect' centre around its protagonist; a cat, disguised in a hat, on its majestic, shady, transformational,  night-time adventures. We've picked out a few lyrics that support our hypothesis; "buried in the deep, secrets that we hide", "hear it in the night, hear it in the dark, I was on the [washing] line" "searching on our own for kingdom's that we dream, sleeping through the days, we learn to rest"- all, we feel, are very cat-like associations.

Impromptu cat analogies aside -  Manchester-based four-piece, Lake Komo have created a sound that focuses on lavish, layered,sonic arrangements and captivating vocals which (alongside the arrangements) are resilient, grandiose, triumphant, and even aching, each in their own right. This is a song for the underdog, about the underdog, depicting an inner struggle where the narrator has been on a rocky road, and is just trying their best to survive.

Words of Karla Harris