The Duo Explains: NoSoYo - '6 or 7 Weeks'

Who: Berlin-based multi-instrumentalistal duo Nosoyo is Donata Kramarz and Daïm de Rijkea.

About The Track: '6 or 7 weeks' is a seductive and playful indie pop track with mesmerising vocals, hypnotic keys, and an electronic sound that alternates between being happy-clappy and cool and sophisticated.

The Duo Explains: "We produced this video with a team of young photography professionals from Berlin (Sophie Krische & Giulia Hauck), where it was also recorded. The editing was done by Paul Eisenach.
The groove of the song had to be visualized, the dancing seemed like the perfect way to emphasize the dynamics (also on a lyrical level). We asked our friend Zoe to go through some basic contact impro dancing with us to create movement and emotion. I (Donata) almost froze to death while being rolled back and forth on a tiny skateboard with a camera installed above my head. We got chased by the police for filming on public grounds - we got out of the argument by assuring them to only use footage of the concrete pavement.

We had lots of ideas and actually a completely different storyline planned for the video, in the end the shots of the two of us were stronger than most of the other images. It became much more personal. There were also plenty of shots filmed at impressive Berlin locations (like for example the famous Berlin Velodrom), but any wide shot seemed to lure away the attention from our interaction. In the end we only used the close-ups.

Watching the video drives you deeper into the entanglement of two people, which the song is all about. You know you have to let go of each other, but something (or in this case someone) always pulls you back in. We are not video professionals and didn't have the budget to work with extremely experienced people. So in the end we were a bunch of enthusiasts, pretty much trial and error all the way. We are happy with the result because the observer becomes involved with us, it feels personal and that was the most important goal for our first single!" - Donata