Listen: Moons of Mars - 'Psycho Lover'

In 1877, an American astronomer by the name of Asaph Hall discovered that the planet Mars has two moons: Phobos and Deimos. In 2016, a London blog by the name of When The Horn Blows  (hi, it's us) discovered the Indie Pop band Moons of Mars and it's two band members: Mario Polanco (lead vocals, writer), Giovan Polanco (Writer, Producer, Lead Guitar, Vocals).

Unfortunately, we can't lay claim to being the first people to make this discovery, but the duo are now on our radar and we make our own personal introduction to them off the back of their single, 'Psycho Lover'. The main focus here is probably the production, the duo marry edgey electronics with rocky riffs to help  highlight the "psycho" tone of the track. Vocally, the song feature a soulful rnb falsetto throughout the majority, before creepy laughter makes a play and a deeper vocal add to layers of vocal sounds.

'Psycho Lover' is an empowering track of self acceptance and being free to do, say and wear whatever a person wants to, regardless of judgement. The narrator points out how in control they are over so many things, but they are helplessly not in control of one important thing; the "psycho love" they feel for another person. This leads to them wondering if  the intensity of these feelings are mutually felt. A question that  of course, remains unanswered.  Perhaps they will do a spin off in a following track to let us know the outcome. We will just have to wait and see!

Words of Karla Harris