EditSelect - Live @ The Borderline, London w/ Native People & Heavy Heart 21/04/2016

EditSelect @ The Borderline
The Southern area of London seems to be a breeding ground for raw guitar driven bands at the moment, with the likes of the Dead Belles, The Vex, Carnivals and at the front running of that, EditSelect. The lads have been around for a while now, gathering more and more force with their sound and their following, and tonight brings us to The Borderline. A little bit off from home turf, which is amazing for them to pull such a good crowd for an away game.

Native People @ The Borderline
Tonight is a celebration of EditSelect's new EP; 'All My Gold', with a help of a few of their friends. Heavy Heart start the night off with a touch of chilled indie folk, but they mix it up with some Dylan-style electric plug in. Native People provide main support this evening, combining a dose of Two Door Cinema Club guitar riffs with Alex Turner vocal twists, the lads have a multiple of festival and tour dates coming up over the summer and they certainly are ones to check out.

EditSelect @ The Borderline
EditSelect are now ready to headline their EP launch, and you can feel the vibe in the room, surrounded by friends and family, the lads have spent most of the night socialising like a groom at his wedding, thanking everyone for coming and how much it means to them. They spend the next thirty or so minutes smashing through a pounding set of powerful indie rock with a hint of South London, kind of like The Strokes via New Cross Gate. The lads have been around for a few years now, and despite the evening being about everything new, the whacked out some old sing-a-long tracks that the older crowd could get involved in.

South Londoner is pumping out high quality band after band at the moment, and it isn't surprising with bands like this leading an example.

 Words & Photography of Ant Adams