Single: New York Movie - 'Firecracker'

Having already graced the WTHBlows cassette player with the appealing electro-stomp of ‘Little Emotion’, synth-lovin' outfit New York Movie are back with ‘Firecracker’. Having previously showcased a polished, uber-catchy style and perfect match for mainstream radio, it remained to be seen whether NYM stick to what they are good at, or branch out in a surprising jazz-infused, post-hardcore direction.

The opening bars affirm very much the former. Indeed, within the first minute we’re thrust from the 80’s-drenched intro and verse into an anthemic, vocal-driven chorus, suggesting that NYM can pretty much write this stuff for fun. Although the second verse progresses with a similar influenza-level of infectiousness, the sonic elements of the comparatively restrained middle eight crescendo hint of more going on than mere sugar-coated, disposable pop. Much like ‘Little Emotion’ however, it’s a track custom build for radio, film soundtrack or any other song medium requiring instant appeal.

As noted above, one gets the feeling NYM could churn out such songs with relative ease. From this writer’s perspective, some of the nuanced instrumental aspects of their songs provide a particular interest, perhaps offering something a little different to the standard synth-pop fare saturating current musical thinking. Overall, it’s to be commended that ’Firecracker’ offers another piece of ammunition to NYM’s earworm arsenal.

Words of @DS_convertible