Duo To Check Out: Iska Dhaaf - 'Chrysalis' & 'Laura Palmer' (Singles)

Such is the intoxicating musical brew offered up by US duo Iska Dhaaf, WTHBlows is providing a two-for-one review of ‘Chrysalis’ and ‘Laura Palmer’, taken from recent album ‘The Wanting Creature’.

First up, ‘Chrysalis’. I’ll be honest up front and state that my love of this track was cemented within the first twenty seconds of drums, bass and looping guitar combining in an effortlessly cool manner, driving forward yet not needlessly overpowering. Gorgeously layered vocals and neat string flourishes, reminiscent of latter-career Radiohead, build the verse before a near-perfect chorus welcomes the listener with open arms. Numerous nuanced studio touches cleverly add to the beguiling vibe of ‘Chrysalis’, providing a pretty wonderful listening experience. Even the a capella ending has clearly been long-considered by musicians Nathan Quiroga and Benjamin Verdoes, which is both beautifully delivered and gives a satisfying ending to a quite excellent track.

‘Laura Palmer’ is a darker, but equally compelling, slice of indie-electronica. Simple musical patterns interweave with more of those ace vocals, while complex drums fall in and out to build the tension nicely. When things kick in for good it's a frankly superb release, acting as a reminder for just how life-affirming intelligent, well-crafted music can be.

Overall, both tracks seriously impress. On this basis, ‘The Wanting Creature’ has now leaped to the top of my must-listen albums. An unexpected gem of a find which cannot be more highly recommended. Enjoy.

Words of DS_convertible