The Artist Explains: Molly Marlette - 'Do Me A Favor' (Video)

Hollywood-native singer/songwriter/producer Molly Marlette speaks to us about the ideas behind synth-drenched  pop single and music video, 'Do Me A Favor'.

The video transports Molly from the freedom of a blindingly white outdoors through a haunting dreamworld — at once austere and bright — finally bursting into prismatic color at the song’s close. It’s all brought to life with an assist from some otherworldly backdrops, most prominently Vincent Lamouroux’s “Projection” installation (aka the “Bates Motel”) in L.A.’s Silver Lake neighborhood.

Explosive electro pop single, 'Do Me A Favor' is out now and available via  iTunes + Amazon.

The Artist Explains:
Where was the video filmed?
It was filmed at Vincent Lamouroux's Projection LA site and a loft downtown.

How does the video compliment the song?
It's about self expression and projecting your own desires against an environment where you're expected to be this blank canvas, and a big part of what the song's about is the anxiety surrounding authentic desire.

Any behind the scenes stories?

I had to climb a fairly tall chain link fence in a white mini skirt on a 105 degree day to get in the location.

Tell us about the ideas/ themes/ imagery used?
I wanted to use a lot of blank imagery for the backdrop, give it a kind of washed out, bleached feeling and the Bates Motel installation was just perfect for that. It was something once vibrant and then painted over.

What is the message the video is trying to convey?
Live a little. :)

Interview feature by Karla Harris