The Duo Explains: BELLA LOKA - 'We Are Young' (Video) & 'Honey B' Single Stream

We Speak to Tea Boothby of London-based indie-electronic husband(David Boothby) and wife duo BELLA LOKA about the themes and  ideas behind their adorable music video and single, 'We Are Young'.
Featuring as one half of BELLA LOKA'S  new double A-Side single alongside 'Honey B', 'We Are Young' is hooky and upbeat but presents as a more grounded, gritty, conversational take on art pop in comparison to the snappy, soaring and fluttering, dreamy soundscape that is 'Honey B'.

Look out for the release of BELLA LOKA'S debut album, 'The Light, The Mud & The Dark' due out this September on British label DEFDISCO.

BELLA LOKA Explains:
Where was the video filmed?
The black and white footage starring the little girl was all filmed around locations in Camden Town where we live, including the Regent's Canal, the Stables Market, and outside Camden Town tube station. For the footage of children dancing on the choruses we asked friends of ours who have children to get their kids to dance or do whatever they like along to the song and to film them and send us the footage. So that footage was filmed all over, including in Australia!

How does the video compliment the song?
The busking child is analogous to wide-eyed young musicians who, hoping to be heard, flock to areas of perceived musical significance and influence, only to find themselves ignored and sometimes penniless. The scenes of children free-forming over the choruses is meant to represent the kind of artistic freedom young artists should feel.

It has a strong connection to the lyrics. It's not straight forward though as there are several stories happening always.

Any behind the scenes stories?
Well, we attracted a lot of attention from tourists when we were filming with the girl, especially around the canal where people stood filming and taking photos whilst she sat there under the bridge with a Telecaster, completely in character. We were told by our friends that sent us footage that there were tears behind the scenes on their end, and there are some pretty hilarious out-takes that we got sent. Mostly the kids just loved the fact they were going to be in a music video and is was amazing to see their idea of what a pop video star is supposed to do. I feel it really captured the joy and completely achieved the contrast I was hoping for.

Tell us about the ideas/ themes/ imagery used?
The symbolism of a child busking alone was used to convey the vulnerability and often joyless task it is for serious young artists persisting in the current music industry.

What is the message the video is trying to convey?
The song could be considered a short sharp slap in the face and a kiss on both cheeks to the music industry. It is not supposed to be a hate song, but more of a call to intent, that “we'll sing until our time has come until the pain is gone”. It's the age-old challenge to keep going, never give up, and refuse to allow anyone to tell you that you are too young or too old to achieve something of worth.

Interview feature by Karla Harris