Single: Through Juniper Vale - 'The Last Time'

Through Juniper Vale shares fantastical debut single, 'The Last Time'

Combining the imaginative illustrations of concept artist Hein Zaayman with the musical creations of Sarah Jane Wood, Through Juniper Vale is an inventive and original project extending its concept across music, art and the written word.

'The Last Time'  marries electronic bass beats with delicate melancholy cello adding a timeless orchestral beauty to a modern indie pop soundscape. With a hook that's catchy and upbeat and Sarah Jane's soaring vocals it's hard not to immerse yourself in joy when the chorus kicks in.

In 'The Last Time', Juniper Vale invite their listener on an exuberant, curious and unmissable journey of the purest kind, where its narrator  and giant turtle companion Senalala are in search and exploration for the true definition of what it means to belong and find "home".

Words of Karla Harris