Listen: The Statuettes - 'For The Holidays'

Utah-based indie rock outfit The Statuettes shares solemn festive single, 'For the Holidays'.

While I was adamant that I would not post any festive songs this year, I couldn't help myself when I received 'For The Holidays' by The Statuettes. 'Firstly, 'For The Holidays' doesn't force cheer upon a person and and for that reason alone I've chalked it up as a win in my books. It also doesn't go to the other extreme and present itself as so depressing that you wish you had never been born.

'For The Holidays' has a really lovely charm about it and has become a really welcome addition to my winter playlist.  Despite displaying vocally a little bit of longing and melancholy, the track relies on beautiful winter lyricism, has a warm atmospheric feel about its arrangements that contain a slight shivery chill and by throwing in a little bit of understated sleigh bells, The Statuettes bring Christmas back to a less commercialised or sickly time simply stating, "Let's get together for the holidays".

And with that in mind, we  at When The Horn Blows hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and get together with as many of your loved ones as you can for the remainder of the holidays!

Words of Karla Harris