Tristâme - 'Grey Together' (Single)

Syrian-born, New-York based singer/songwriter Tristâme shares brooding introspective folk single, 'Grey Together'.

To elegantly condense the despair and atmosphere of doom metal influences amidst a sea of classical music and traditional folk, is probably not the easiest feat, but it's exactly what Tristâme has done with 'Grey Together' - a track that seems to transport you back to eras since passed with a tremendously hypnotic, regal quality that would have had even the most obnoxious of Kings lulled into silence by his transfixing vocals and delicate melodies.

Through 'Grey Together', Tristâme balances melancholy and radiant beauty, casting an ancient and exotic light on an incredibly relevant and timeless theme, as he explains, "The song is a dusky acoustic eulogy for lost love and heartbreak influenced by South American music and my brief stay there."

Words of Karla Harris