La Bouquet - 'Loser Baby' (Single)

Los Angeles duo La Bouquet reveal latest single, 'Loser Baby'.

Formed by Bryan Sammis (the original drummer for The Neighbourhood, and Jake Lopez (ex-Sink Swim), La Bouquet have taken their respective alternative rock roots and combined them with a contemporary approach to post-punk inspired pop of the 80's.

'Loser Baby' is the follow up to their impressive debut single 'Loveless'. Where 'Loveless' has a grittier feel debuting an impressive idiosyncratic vocal, a chugging,dynamic drum rhythm and nostalgic-ridden guitar lines, 'Loser Baby' sees the band explore a more vulnerable and spacious direction, equally as engaging as its predecessor.

Intricate, atmospheric guitar work sets the track off to an enthralling start, already pulling its listener in by the 2 second mark of pressing play. Opening line, "The way failure tastes, never leaves me alone" is executed via emotive, gliding vocals, exposed and melancholy, yet devoid of any self pitying nuances.

Rather ambiently, 'Loser Baby' progresses into alternative pop territory with a dance beat that would set alternative club nights alight, seeing the whole venue singing and dancing along to the dreamy, matter of fact, anthemic chorus, "I'm a loser baby", converting us all over to the "loser" status,  even if for just one song only.

I really like what La Bouquet are doing. They're creating expansive, accessible, and sincere music that taps into nostalgia, but delivering it with a freshness that firmly roots their music in the present day. The desire to hear more is insatiable.

Words of Karla Harris

'Loser Baby' is available for digital download via Spotify / iTunes.