lycio - 'Air Part 1' (Single)

Birmingham contemporary 3-piece lycio shares experimental electronic hybrid single, 'Air Part 1'.

Warranting well deserving accolade from BBC Introducing WM and BrumRadio, lycio pride themselves on their authentic sound. The band weave real and electronic drums with pad/synth textures to create a hugely compelling soundscape with accessible melodies, a stand out vocalist and songwriting with meaning.

On the track the band explains, "The original chords to 'Air Part 1' were conceived on an old Rogers piano by drummer Alex Lowe; and later elaborated on and produced by Charlie Kellie and Alex into its distinctive hybrid electronic arrangement, alongside hints to neo-soul influences.  The track is the first of a two parter - the second instalment being Air Part 2 - and was originally a single track. Once jammed through Lycio's custom live rig, Air was spilt into two separate, contrasting movements, Part 1 and Part 2."

lycio are measured in splitting their appreciation for high quality sonic aesthetics with this real and raw, shivering ability to connect on an emotional level. Lead singer Genny Mendez's has this spectacular, empowered, soulful vocal, showing cracks of emotion and beautiful character. lycio are a completely refreshing outfit, 100% real, well worth keeping an eye on this year.

Words of Karla Harris