Moondude - 'Displaced' (Single)

South London outfit Moondude make their debut with dreamy alternative pop single, 'Displaced'.
The sun is shining, there’s a beer in your hand and you’ve got nothing to do, could life get any better? That’s how 'Displaced', the new track from Moondude, makes you feel, and it’s been released just in time to soundtrack those long summer days.

Scratch below the ‘Mac Demarco meets shoegaze’ surface however, and you find a group with a hell of a lot to say. They even penned a handwritten letter to coincide with the release of 'Displaced', in which they rail against “those who have power, but want more and more of it” and the “populists (Boris, Nigel and Gove)”. Heavy stuff, but luckily Moondude have the talent to back it up, and at no point does it feel like 'Displaced' is overwhelmed by its political baggage.

Want to lay back and relax? Moondude have got you covered. Want to smash the system but have never been a fan of punk rock? They’ve got you covered there too. Radical politics concealed with a chilled out summer soundtrack might sound like a bizarre approach, but don’t worry, Moondude absolutely nail it.

Words of Jake Hawkes

Watch the music video for 'Displaced', here.