Single Review: HÅN - 'The Children'

Signed to Factory Flaws, Italian singer songwriter HÅN reveals her remarkable debut single, 'The Children'.

Hailing from a small Italian town by Lake Garda, HÅN' makes her beautiful debut with 'The Children' - a song combining the beauty of nature with an aching yearn in its lyrics. HÅN is a child of the moon, she doesn't know how to walk through the ocean, caught by branches, she's lost all that she has found... The lyrics are wistful, melancholy, poginant, undeniably moving.

HÅN's vocals wash over her listener in ghostly waves of shivery, flawless goodness. Evocative and atmospheric guitar work and pulsating drum beats cry out Daughter in their influences, met by a brooding, minimalism in its airy synth that draws comparisons to The XX .

 HÅN's sound evokes the four elements of nature. It's fire, earth, air, and water. It's the unsettling calm, the quiet before an intense storm. It's the spaces between the stars. It moves you.

Words of Karla Harris