The Artist Explains: DYVR - 'Viridian' (Video)

Minimalist electronic artist DYVR speaks to us about his visuals for  new single, 'Viridian'. 
Featuring a mesmerising vocal and suspensful electronica, 'Viridian' is a dark and thrilling track, out now via Veta Records.

DYVR Explains
Where was the video for 'Viridian' filmed?
We filmed it at a space in Deptford at a place called The Albany. It’s this really great community theatre that is really involved with the people in the area.

How does the video compliment the song? 
When we spoke about concepts early on we knew that we wanted the video to support the track but not to be a complete echo of it. I feel like the strongest visuals are the ones that can stand up in context but are also captivating on their own.

Any behind the scenes stories?
We were originally going to use a smoke machine and didn’t which is really lucky! There was a drop on the site managers face when I mentioned in passing that we about to get the room filled up with smoke and we had to shut it down really quickly otherwise we would have set off all the alarms and gotten the entire building evacuated!

Tell us about the ideas/ themes/ imagery used?
One of the key focuses in the video for me was the movement - . We deliberately asked people who weren’t trained dancers to be in the video. The director James Byrn and I wanted people to move how they felt was correct for them. This is also why we had everyone dancing individually, no-one was being influenced by another person. There’s an honesty in that I think. Coupling this more organic feel with glitches and heavy compression really ties in with the overriding conflicts in the track.

What is the message the video is trying to convey? 
There is an underlying theme of duality in the video - an idea of what the darker side of yourself feels like. This shares a common thread with the music. Sometimes it’s difficult to know which version of a person you are getting, and more often than not the overlaps are ephemeral. There are more questions than answers.

Interview feature by Karla Harris