Introducing: G.Smith

Photographer: Bobby Bruderle
Get to know L.A based singer, producer and visual artist G.Smith!

Sometimes, the more you enjoy something, the harder it is to write about it and G.Smith's 'X' is the perfect example of  this. Seven weeks ago I first heard this song, and instantly connected with it. For seven weeks 'X' has been an integral part of my personal listening time and for seven weeks I've been wondering how to do G.Smith justice in a review.

Through 'X' G.Smith offers a weighty soundscape that chugs, whirs and splutters along as if we are venturing into the turning cogs of her very own brain, watching it reconfigure. Hitting reset. This makes for an extremely clever antithesis to her otherworldly, airy vocal that refuses to stay tied down. The lyrical theme is slightly dark, yet thoughtful and contemplative, full of questions that remain unanswered, as we visit raw memories of a past relationship and the attempt to process all the mixed feelings that come with the end of something significant.

'X' demands attention in a much heavier way than its calmer predecessor, 'Life Out', yet is no less intricate, conflicted and thought-provoking. G.Smith sets out to stun, combining experimental production with eerie pop hooks that allow her listener to sing along in a very contemporary,  fashion. Quite simply,  creatives like G.Smith are few and far between. G.Smith is not afraid to explore behind the typical electronic pop and alternative boundaries, encapsulating unusual into her curious soundscapes in such a way that makes her incredibly enthralling and more than deserving of your time.

Words of Karla Harris