Album Review: The XCERTS - ‘Hold onto Your Heart’

The XCERTS, with three studio albums already in the whirlwind that is the music world, The XCERTS are very close to dropping their fourth. With the Scottish rock scene booming right now they have used the Scottish momentum and put it into their new album ‘Hold onto Your Heart’. Will it do the Scottish rock scene proud, let’s find out.

They kick off the album with track ‘The Dark’, where the bands lighter side is portrayed and features peaceful piano loops which allows the listener to ease their way into the 10-track album.

Compared to the first track the second ‘Daydream’ brings back the XCERTS, well known catchy guitar riffs and melodies. This album is definitely like a rollercoaster, it can go from slow chilled out vibes to thrashing guitar riffs in the matter of a track or two, it keeps you on the edge of your seat, I like it. Finishing the album with the longest track on the record ‘Cry’, which like the 1st track slows everything down and brings you back down to earth after the last 8 tracks have just made you jump around your room playing air guitar.

Overall, I feel that ‘Hold onto Your Heart’ is definitely one of the strongest albums the XCERTS have released so far and being the shortest of all four, it definitely packs a punch. There are the odd tracks on the album which are over shadowed by the main singles, but once you listen to them a few times they start to shine through. With the XCERTS just starting to push their way into the limelight of the rock scene this album is definitely going to set them apart from others and give them a big platform to conquer every venue on their UK headline tour.

Words by Jake Haseldine

‘Hold onto Your Heart’ is released the 19th January via Raygun Records