Live Review: Dead! - 100 Club, London 01/02/2018

The infamous DEAD! were ready to bring the chaos to the capital.

A healthy line had already formed outside the equally infamous 100 Club this evening, eager fans ready to let loose and get down. DEAD! had brought along The Kenneths as their support, a band we hadn’t heard much of before but the buzz around the venue as they walked on stage was electric, so we prepared ourselves for something good!

The Kenneths set was a fast, loud and filled with catchiest punk anthems, so catchy we had ourselves singing along after only one chorus of each song! Playing an assortment of tracks from their three previous EP’s, songs like ‘Hollywood’ and ‘Never Good Friends’ got the crowd riled up and pits opened up all over the 100 Club; it was carnage! They finished off the set with a love letter to the golden age of radio, ‘What Happened to the Radio’ got every person in the room dancing and singing along before frontman Josh decided to crowdsurf his way to the back of the room to end their final song of the night.

The Kenneths - 100 Club - 01/02/18

A short interval before DEAD! took to the stage, they were greeted by countless screams from their hardcore fans who attend every show! Tonight’s proceedings were kicked off with their new single ‘The Boys The Boys’ which instantly turned the pit into a warzone, feet and fists pumping up and down! Having only released their debut album ‘The Golden Age Of Not Even Trying’ the previous week, the boys had a large list of new tracks to play live to everyone’s excitement. ‘Petrol & Anaesthetic’ and older song ‘Skin’ really struck a chord with the audience, every person if they were a long-time fan or a newcomer were getting stuck in; a more sombre tune about the bands origins and how they used to all live in a flat together ‘W9’ took the mood down for a few minutes to let the crowd catch their breath!

DEAD! - 100 Club - 01/02/18

DEAD!’s final three songs proved they are not a band to take prisoners; ‘Something More Original’, album single ‘The Golden Age of Not Even Trying’ and another old one ‘You’re So Cheap’ blew the absolute roof off of the 100 Club!! Flashing lights, incredible music and a stage invasion was how tonight ended!

DEAD! have such a large cult following but its obvious from this evenings show that they won’t be there for long!!!

Words and Photography by Joe Dick