The Band Explains: Peakes - 'Still Life' (Video)


Leeds based electronic-pop trio PEAKES return with new single ‘Still Life’, which tackles the topics of isolation and loneliness. The track shows off the band’s talents to find beauty in some of the most darkest areas. The video for the single was directed by Fiona Jane Burgess, and it captures a series of quiet, personal moments with different women, including singer Molly Puckering, who took a moment to talk to us in more detail about the visual.

Where was the video filmed?

The video was filmed in three different locations in Islington, Shoreditch and Hackney. We wanted there to be multiple locations so it could fee like an insight into different women's lives.

How does the video compliment the song?

Most of the shots in the video are in slow motion. When the camera snakes slowly around the women and their environments we wanted to create that feeling of isolation. Like time moves at a different pace when these women are alone whilst the rest of the world speeds past around them.

Any behind the scenes stories?

The scenes with me in them were filmed at 5am in order to capture the morning light in the flat. So I admit that I'm essentially half asleep in every shot…But I think it helped add the dreamy/hazy feel to the vid.

Tell us about the ideas/themes/imagery used?

Our amazing director Fiona Burgess wanted the video to depict different women’s experiences of isolation. So the imagery explores the intimate parts of a woman's day, when she knows she’s not being watched and when she can truly be herself. 

Feature created by Ant Adams