Inspired #0020 - Isaiah Dreads


Rising hip hop / grime artist Isaiah Dreads shows us exactly why he is someone we should be paying attention to right now with his new ‘Back To The Future Mixtape’. We had a chat with him about Kanye West and about wanting to leave an impact on his listeners.

Who are you top three musical inspirations?
Kanye West, Bob Marley, Lil Wayne. They are three artists I grew up listening to! I always find sources of inspiration when I listen to them.

Is there a certain film that inspires you?
The Back To The Future trilogy inspired my most recent mixtape. It’s always been up there with my favourite films, alongside Kill Bill and Scarface.

What city do you find the most inspiring?
I think there’s always so much creativity in London, but musically I always get the best vibe from Bristol. Every show I’ve done there so far has been crazy.

Who is the most inspiring person to you?
My mum is always inspiring.

How would you like to inspire people?
I’d like to inspire people through the music I make. It’s important to me to have songs people can let loose and dance to, but at the same time I really want to leave an impact on people. Sometimes people say certain songs I make are quite deep, but music for me is expression before anything else. If I can help someone who’s going through something, then I’ve done something great.