The Artist Explains: Michael Baker - 'Baby Books'

Michael Baker Dorset 1 April 2019.jpg

Anglo-French singer and songwriting Michael Baker provided us with another taste of his forthcoming album ‘Salt’ with single ‘Baby Books’. He took a moment to talk to us in more depth about the track. 

Your track 'Baby Books' is out now, what is the meaning behind the title?
The Title 'Baby Books' comes from the lyric 'Read baby words from baby books aloud'
Which is sort of my twist of something my grandma used to tell me; Take one step at a time, & you will find you will not be far behind.

What is the inspiration behind the song?
I wrote this track after a friend lost their battle to mental health. Mental health is something that has been so up and down in my own life and something that I find so difficult to talk about without wanting the ground to swallow me up whole. It's been so amazing to know that people everywhere are talking more about these things and that whoever you are there is a support network around you. This in turn has given me the strength to talk about it not just in song but in this very interview too.

Where was the track recorded? Are there any behind the scenes stories you are happy to share with us?
I wrote this track in London with a wonderful musician called James Dale. When it came to putting it down, Ed Martin, Fred Hills, Andrew Stuart Buttle, Tom Anderson, Oliver Hinkins & myself disappeared into the countryside of England & drank a lot of wine. Luckily we made a whole album too! There is going to be a Little Documentary made by Alice Humphreys about the whole thing too so you can get an insight into the whole process.

What do you hope your listeners take from the song?
I hope it reminds people there is always help out there for anyone that needs it. (why do i feel like I'm quoting something from harry potter there!) & i hope it encourages people to also check in with themselves from time to time. It's an easy thing to forget! Annnndddd as always I hope people just enjoy listening to it... Cause it's not all serious all the time eh 

Now the track is out there, what next? What are your plans for the next few months? 
I've got a whole album coming out! The next single will be 'Past the Evening' early November.
I'm also out on tour in November so have a look on my Facebook page to keep up to date with where I'm playing. I will also be doing four big album launches next Early year for the release of my album and Documentary.
Oh and recording Album three.

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