The Artist Explains: Sanja Cin - 'Change in Chunks'

Sanja Cin speaks to us about seeing change as a process that happens in parts, and using the freedom of improvisation and freestyle dance to represent life’s spontaneity in her single and visuals for ‘Change in Chunks’.

Where was the video for 'Change in Chunks' filmed?
It was filmed in Bolton, a town next to Manchester.

How does the video connect with the song?
The process of change is reflected for me in the small but steady moments of determination and also sometimes tremendous challenge. This again is what I see in the three freestylers, all of them dedicate daily time and patience and courage into their practice.
The director, Veza Czyn and me didn't want to show the perfect freestyle moves, but more the work in process, the small changes they have to make, the cooperation in order for the movements to work out or be in sync.

Can you tell us about the ideas/themes/imagery used?
I first saw Yiannos, one of the freestylers, practicing outside in the town centre, just on it's own. And I was impressed, I didn't really know this art form before, i was fascinated by the combination of the rather harsh imagine of the football and the dance/acrobatic movements of the body.
We then played with some ideas, went to loads of charity shops to get inspired by possible colors, also having Ida Lus, who's a stylist on board lead to these nice colors adding to the movements.

Is there a message the video is trying to convey?
For me personally it was a huge pleasure to give colours and movements to the song, to expand it that way. And the process before that, really saying yes to doing this and to myself, was a challenging one, it's quite something that the video is now here. In terms of a message... I said before that change comes through a determination, but also there is so much more depth and spontaneity in this process, some things just happen and appear, like the improvised moments of the video and the freestyle dance. it's really about the acceptance of this process without always knowing what it is that will happen after the next chunk is done.

Interview by Karla Harris