Live Review: Black Futures - The Lexington, London 02/04/2019

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Black Futures took over The Lexington in London on Tuesday night and they turned up for their community. 

We kicked the night off with support from Soeur. The three-piece band, fronted by two female singers/guitarists and a drummer were the perfect start to proceedings with cohesive harmonies and aggressive vocals. This especially rung true with the last song of their set “Fight” which acted as a defibrillator waking you up for the manic night of music ahead. Soeur were incredibly entertaining from start to finish and I cannot wait to catch them at future shows. 

Next up was the main event, Black Futures. The show started in classic Black Futures style as people dressed in forensic science suits equipped with the Black Futures logo appeared on stage to a backing track of a siren. During this time the two leaders of The Black Futures Expedition Club took to the stage. A 30-second countdown clock began. For this entire time, the band had their backs to the crowd. As the clock counted down 5… 4… screams of excitement and anticipation emerged from the crowd as the clock continued 3… 2… 1… a slow melodic track started to play before Black Futures released their trademark electro-punk chaos to the packed out Lexington.  This cataclysmic sound is what makes Black Futures so great, they are a perfect blend of punk, politics and hypnotic messages. This is proven throughout the duo's latest release “Me.TV”. This track spreads a message of becoming less self-obsessed and selfish and showing some love in your community and your day to day life. It may not sound like a stereotypical punk message but Black Futures break the boundaries of what a punk song can be, whilst spreading an important message however “Me.TV” is still heavy hitting and mosh-inducing, it's glorious. 

The two members of Black Futures knows as SPACE and VIBES are the most charismatic and mysterious band members in music today, acting like two punk Ziggy Stardusts. VIBES constantly ventures into the jam-packed Lexington throughout the showcase of the Black Futures Expedition club, taking time to go forehead to forehead with individual members of the crowd before screaming in their face. I was lucky enough to be one of the people VIBES did it to and I can tell you this act enthrals you. It makes you invested in what the band are saying and ultimately believing the message the band are spreading. VIBES adventures further into the crowd before reaching the sound desk where he climbs to the top and stands tall like Nelson's Column. You find yourself unable to take your eyes off Black Futures throughout the show, they are mystifying and sadistic in the best way possible. 

Black Futures are a band of the future. They hold everything you need to be an incredibly successful music act whilst also creating a show that is truly must see. If you're not a member now, you will be soon so let me be the first to say… Welcome to the Black Futures Expedition Club. 

Photography and Words by Alfie Drake