In Conversation With: Acres


This month Acres released their amazing debut album ‘Lonely World’ via A Wolf At Your Door Records. We had a chat with vocalist Ben Lumber about the release and their future tour plans. 

Your album is called ‘Lonely World’ what is the inspiration behind that?
The whole message of the record is basically if you have problems be that mental health issues or just generally stuff that’s pent up inside, you are not the only one with these problems so talk to people!
There are people dealing with the same stuff and we can help each other out, don’t be afraid to ask for help you are not alone!

Where was the album recorded? Any behind the scenes stories you are happy to share? We recorded at Outhouse Studio and that was really cool as some of our favourite albums have come out of that studio, so it was really nice to make our record there!
As for stories, I think towards the end of the recording session we all lost our minds a little bit, we literally lived in this tiny space for a month and it felt like we isolated our selves for the whole month so yeah cabin fever started kicking in.

How do you feel this album has changed since your 2017 EP ‘In Sickness & Health’? Do you feel your writing process and style has changed? If yes, how so?
I think we’ve progressed so much as a band and as people from when we recorded 'In Sickness' and I hope that really shows, we’ve found our feet and we’ve achieved what we want Acres to be and found something that we really like.

What do you hope people take away from the album?
I hope our fans and people that listen to Lonely World will connect with the songs or at least find solace in the songs. Every track is written about a personal experience and they are just really honest.

You have a quite extensive EU and UK tour planned this September? What are your favourite bits about touring?
It’s really nice being about to hang out with the guys a lot more than we normally do, we all live so far away so we don’t get to just have a beer and talk much, I also absolutely love meeting people at shows and just talking and telling story’s and sharing experiences. There’s not a great deal I don’t like about touring so we could be here a while!

And how do you keep yourself occupied while on the road?
I normally just put in my head phones and listen to a podcast or watch some stupid shit on YouTube for the long drives, Alex has a Nintendo switch so that’s also cool when he brings it! Besides that I don’t think there’s anything exciting to do apart from appreciate being able to be on the road!

31st – Burn It Down Festival, Torquay UK
4th – UK Southampton @ Joiners
5th – The Netherlands Eindhoven @ Dynamo
6th – Germany Essen @ Cafe Nova
7th – Germany Idar-Oberstein @ Stadenhalle
8th – Germany Karlsruhe @ Weiße Rose
9th – Switzerland Aarau @ KiFF
10th – Italy Milan @ Circolo Svolta
11th – Hungary Budapest @ Dürer Kert
12th – Germany Munich @ Backstage
13th – Czech Republic Prague @ Chapeau Rouge
14th – Poland Warsaw @ Hydrozagadka
15th – Germany Leipzig @ Moritzbastei
16th – Germany Hamburg @ Hafenklang
17th – Belgium Antwerp @ JC Bouckenborgh
18th – UK Bristol @ The Exchange
19th – UK Manchester @ Star And Garter
20th – UK Nottingham @ Alberts
21st – UK Leeds @ The Key Club
22nd – UK London @ The Black Heart

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