Getting Intimate With #005 - Jank Setup

After making huge waves in their hometown of New Orleans, these last few years Jank Setup have been bringing their smooth and soulful jazz-inspired sound to the wider world, receiving great acclaim every step of the way. Their latest single ‘Shy’ showcases exactly why we and so many others have been loving their rich and vibrant aesthetic of late.

So with the band on the promo circuit once again, we took the opportunity to get even closer to them, and it turns out they aren’t so shy about revealing any personal details either.

Last time I cried was… 
When I got a hernia after helping my aunt move into her new apartment.

When I’m stressed I… 
Pick at my cuticles. You should’ve seen them during the emotional climax of the movie Holes. Not pretty.

The album I play over and over again is…
The Holes soundtrack. Amazing track listing, and even better placement.

The last person I spoke to on the phone was…
My psychiatrist, Dr. Mahmoud S. Bleak.

My favourite place in the world is…
Hollywood baby! The stars, the cameras, the action. Incredible.

My favourite comfort food dish is…
Beans, any style. They give me gas but I can’t stay away from those darn things.

My biggest regret is…
Being too chicken to invite Suzie Meyers to the school dance in 8th grade.

The movie I watch when I’m sad is…

My last thought before falling asleep last night was…
At the end of the movie Holes, when Stanley and Zero are sitting in a hole with the treasure chest that they just discovered, why didn’t the dozens of venomous yellow-spotted lizards in the hole bite them? It seemed inconsistent with the lizards’ reputation earlier in the film, and downright lazy on the part of the filmmakers. And then it hit me. Stanley and Zero had previously been surviving off peaches and onions, which they found while wandering the desert. Peaches and onions. Not only the same foods that Miss Katherine and Sam had traded in Camp Greenlake generations earlier, but also the same two foods, which Stanley’s father would later discover, are the cure for foot odour! So it must have been the odour-masking properties of the peaches and onions, which prevented the lizards from biting the boys. The screenwriters of Holes thought of EVERY DETAIL. Everything came full circle in the end, amounting to one of the most thought-provoking and enjoyable cinematic experiences of my life. A masterpiece.

The last book I read was…
Goodnight Moon.

Interview by Chris Bound

Jank Setup’s latest single ‘Shy’ is available to stream and download now. Have a listen to it below.