Inspired #79 - Emma Kelly


London newcomer Emma Kelly has just shared her third single ‘Breathe’. Following on from her first two singles, Emma hits us with a melancholy vibe with her first release for 2020. She took a moment to talk to us about the track and the inspirations behind it. 

Who are you top three musical inspirations?
My first musical inspiration has to be Freddie Mercury, the top one by a long mile, he’s the first person I ever remember listening to as a child and still to this day I can watch queens live aid performance and still get the chills. Freddie Mercury just has a presence and such a talent that will continue to leave me blown away. Nowadays I spend a lot of time listening to Mumford and Sons, I remember watching them at Reading Festival in 2015 and it being one of those times anything could of happened around me and I would not have noticed due to being so lost in the music. I love how they take risks on each album changing their sound up and stepping outside a usual comfort zone. My final musical inspiration I would have to say would be the early albums of Lily Allen, i used to sing her songs in the car with my mum when I was younger and always loved how she is just unapologetically herself. She could take an every day problem and make it a simple song that was catchy but not overdone. 

Is there a certain film that inspires you? 
The film Inception inspires me for two reasons. The first would be for the storyline, the planting of the dream makes a person like myself who is a dreamer believe that anything can be possible. The second and to me most important was the music, I think Hans Zimmer is an impeccable composer, somebody who can bring a film to life and times it by 100 which to me tells me you to can make anything better by perfecting your craft an d making it sound great. 

What city do you find the most inspiring? 
New York is the most inspiring city to me, I went there for the first time last summer and I found it exactly how it was described and more. It’s this huge place where you can be who you want to be and nobody will bat an eyelid. I find that inspiring because you can be who you want to be without the judgement of others. 

Who is the most inspiring person to you? 
My grandmother, bobby is my biggest inspiration. She accepted my choices in always wanting to sing and always pushed me to follow my dreams. I learnt from her to be driven and not take the worst when you can perfect to be the best you can be. 

What are the key inspirations behind the track? 
The key inspirations behind the track are family. Whether it’s family by blood or family by choice they are the closest people to you, the ones you want to protect. You might feel that sometimes you aren’t present in the moment but there’s always someone there thinking of you, present for you. Another inspiration is hope, a hope can become a belief which can become the truth that you want. 

How would you like to inspire people?
I think I would like to inspire people to know that it’s ok to do what you dream of doing, there might be people around you saying it’s silly or stupid but no dream is ever either of those words. It’s something worth working for to know that once you succeed you’ve achieved. I want to be able to inspire people to be constantly proud of themselves regardless of anything. 

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