Introducing #177 - Amber Jay


Let us introduce you to Liverpool based bedroom-pop artist Amber Jay - who has just released her new track ‘Pencilled Brims’. The first installment of her debut EP, which is due out early next year, which sees her taking influence from the likes of Marika Hackman and Phoebe Bridgers - Amber took a moment to talk to us about her music.

Hey Amber Jay, how are you? How does it feel to be releasing music in such a strange time for the creative industry?
Hey When The Horn Blows! I’m doing just fine, thanks for asking! It’s bizarre and I do think you worry that the industry isn’t looking to spot new and upcoming artists because the future is so uncertain. However, the response has been great. I appreciate every single like, share and comment because people don’t have to but when they do it means the world.

Your new single is called ‘Pencilled Brims’ - what is the track about? 
Ooo now that would be telling! It focuses on intimacy and highlights how in the action of intimacy there is a vignette-like experience around the event. It hones-in on specific details and extracts the beauty of the moment. 

It is the first taster of your debut EP - how is that coming along? When can we get to hear it? 
I started recording early this year then finished it remotely through the summer, but the process was amazing. Working with Kurran who produced the song, was one of the best things I’ve ever done. He really understood my vision and I’m really happy with the EP!! It’ll be out sometime in early 2021, then it’s back to recording again. I stacked up a bunch of new material through lockdown, so I’ve got enough fuel to keep me going till 2022 for sure. 

You are from the wonderful city of Liverpool, what are your favourite things about it? 
I honestly love Liverpool, I’m such a home bird. The people are just so warm and friendly, anyone would help you out. I’m also a huge red and playing footy was my thing for a while before I got into music. I love being by the river too. When I was a kid, my dad and I would get a Maccies and go for a kick about in some abandoned car park down by the river. I just have so many nice memories of living here.  

Where in your city do you go for musical adventures? 
There’s nothing like watching your mates smashing it on stage. I have a lot of friends who are actors as well as musicians so there’s always a gig or a show to go to.  

At the age of thirteen, your Aunt bought you guitar lessons - what are your earliest musical memories? 
When I was a kid, I saw a drum kit in Costco. I asked my mum for it but in the way in which children do, were they just ask for things for the sake of it. I actually ended up getting it for Christmas that year and became obsessed with drumming. I think my mum regretted not buying me a flute or something more chill.   

What are your key influences as an artist? 
I write a lot about my relationships, but I also take influence from other forms of media like Film/TV. I love writing about on-screen characters and furthering their story. For example, after watching Killing Eve, many of my narratives within my songs became influenced by the themes within that show. I love anything that is dark and spooky even though I’m the biggest scaredy-cat ever! I’d love to write for TV/Film though, I think the combination of music and moving picture is something so powerful. As I grow to start and try and make sense of this ‘being a human’ thing, I’m forming stronger opinions and understanding of the world around me. I’ve began to write more about my perspectives and the injustices within the world. I’m constantly inspired by other wxmen within the industry. I think it’s so important to have people existing in the industry who look like you. It makes you believe that you can exist in places that might seem out of reach.