Introducing #109 - Molly Green

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Let us introduce you to Liverpool’s rising r&b star Molly Green, who has just revealed her new single ‘Square One’ - which is Molly’s first release on her new label Modern Sky. She took a moment to talk to us about her home city of Liverpool and how the track came together. 

So your new track ‘Square One’ is out now, can you tell us what the track is about? 
I wrote Square One after being at Boomtown a few years back, where I ended up spending too much time with an ex and began wondering wether we should have a ‘closure chat’…obviously not, terrible idea, especially at Boomtown! But the whole thing got me all confused and feeling things I thought were long gone, so I wrote a song haha! 

It’s your first single since signing to Modern Sky, how does it feel to be working with them? Yeah really good! It’s all very exciting and it’s nice to have people working alongside you who believe in you, that’s the best thing about it. They’re a fab bunch of people and they’ve given me a lot of confidence moving forward. 

There are some jazz-soulful tones to your musical style, who would you say are your key musical influences? 
Yeah, I absolutely love all the jazz, soul, RnB, blues sounds and artists. My grandpa plays the sax and would always have people like Etta James, Aretha Franklin, Nina Simone, B.B King, playing about the house. At home, there was always music on, sometimes Tracy Chapman, sometimes Texas, sometimes Moloko, so that introduced me to a whole range of genres! Reggae also feels like a big part of my musical composition as my childhood best friend’s Dad is the lead singer of Bristol band Laid Blak, I owe a lot of my development over the years to them. 

You are based in Liverpool, what do you love about the city? 
I’ve absolutely loved living in Liverpool! It’s very similar to my hometown  Bristol in many ways. It’s such a creative hub, with new ventures and venues forming and evolving all the time. I think the people make it though, everyone’s so friendly and funny, it’s been the best place to be a student and develop as an artist.

Where in Liverpool do you go for your musical kicks? 
Wherever the music takes me haha! I’ve had some groovy nights in loads of places! Liverpool Arts Bar is a new one that people should deffo check out, Jacaranda Phase One has hosted some boss nights, as has Arts Club. There’s loads! 

Now the single is out there, what next for Molly Green?
Got another single coming out in March, super excited about this one! Hopefully get out and about gigging some more. Gigging is where it’s at for me so aiming to be doing more outside of Liverpool, get some of them festivals in the bag!

Photo Credit: Kai Gillespie

WTHB OnlineFeatures, Introducing