The Artist Explains: Conchúr White - 'Bikini Crops'


Northern Irish solo artist Conchúr White has just released his new single ‘Bikini Crops’ with a beautiful animated video, he took a moment to explain the track in more detail. 

So, your track ‘Bikini Crops’ is out now, can you tell us what the track is about?
It's about realising how someone has changed your life for the better and trying not to sabotage that.

It was mixed by Matt Wiggins, who has worked with London Grammar, Glass Animals and Horrors, how did that partnership come about and how was the experience of working with him?
After I recorded the track my management sent me a list of mix engineers whom they believed could elevate the recording. There were some very talented people in there but Matt's work just stood out. The process for all the mixes with Matt have been really straight forward. He's been very approachable and I've always felt comfortable offering him suggestions and tweaks. 

The track has a beautifully animated video to go with it, which was directed by Tom Denney, what led to the choice, instead of going with the typical real life style? 
Tom had directed the music video for 'Channing Tatum' and created a lyric video for 'Daisies'. I was delighted with both of those so when he suggested creating something for 'Bikini Crops' I was more than happy to hear his ideas. He initially started by sending individual animations and even at that point I was quite moved by it. I feel like he understands the sentiment of the music and provides a visual aid that compliments it without being too flashy or overbearing. 

There is a dream-like surrealism when it comes to your story telling in your songs, who would you say are your key lyrical influences? 
Lyrically I'd say Alex Turner, Lana Del Rey and Father John Misty are the big three. Charles Bukowski has always been an important one as well. 

Now the track is out there, what next? What are your plans for the next few months.
I have a few shows lined up including my first London show supporting Fink in La Fayette on March 20th then my debut headline gig in Whelan's Dublin on May 13th. Before that I'll be releasing a full EP on March 6th.

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