Getting Intimate With #10 - Emma Danelon

We get intimate with London based art pop artist Emma Danelon who has recently released her slick new cut, ‘What I Want’. 

When I’m stressed I... Meditate first and then most likely I eat!

The album I play over and over again is… Mmh, tough question. I can’t choose between Mezzanine by Massive Attack , III by Banks or Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight by Travis Scott.

The last person I spoke on the phone to was… My dad. 

My favourite place in the world is… I haven't seen all the continents to be able to express a definite opinion on this. I have been in some places in Europe and the States. At the moment I would say London, Rome and Santa Barbara in California, but I think that when I will have enough money to travel to other places and Continents my answers may change. 

My favourite comfort food dish is… I think pizza and ice cream…pretty stereotypical for an Italian. I am a foodie.

My biggest regret is… If I could go back in time I would probably just say to my younger self to stop hating herself and learn to listen to herself, in order to be tougher and express self love.

The movie I watch when I’m sad is… It's different every time so I can’t really decide! 

My last thought before falling asleep last night was… I have to try to sleep 8 hours.

The last book I read was… I am currently reading the Power of Now.