In Conversation With #095 - Aaron Smith

Aaron Smith 002 photo credit Marilena Vlachopoulou .jpg

Hotly tipped Scottish singer-songwriter Aaron Smith has just released his second EP ‘For My Father’ via Platoon. He took a moment to talk to us about the EP. 

Hey Aaron - how are you? So the EP is out now - how does it feel? 
Hey I’m great thank you! Yeah it’s a bit of a weird feeling bringing out an EP at this time with the way the world is. Wasn’t sure if I wanted to put something out at this time.

It is titled ‘For My Father’ - does that hold a certain meaning for you? 
Yeah it’s quite a personal thing to do with family etc. Me and my dad don’t have a great relationship so it was just something for me.

How does this EP differ from your debut ‘Loveless’? 
I think this EP is a bit more poppier than the last time. But I think I’ve shown a bit more of me in this EP that I hope people will enjoy.

The track ‘Unconditional’ on the EP - deals with the idea of adolescence, can you tell us a bit more about that? And features guest vocals from Holly Humberstone - can you tell us how that partnership came about? 
The track Unconditional was more of being away from your family or the one you love and how the love for them will never change. Me and Holly had a session and we came up with this idea and just went with it. She is an incredible writer, was very lucky to write with her. 

What are the key themes and influences on the EP? 
The key themes are the same for me in what I write about. Love and loss 

Do you have a favorite lyric on the EP? If so, which one and why? 
My favourite lyric is from Unconditional- “All in time, give me time, I’ve been drowning for the both of us.”

Now the EP is out there - what is next for you?
So I’m just starting to get back to writing in London so just looking to get stuck in and write loads more music and just try some different things out.

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