Introducing #156 - Josie Proto


Let us introduce to the fresh new pop artist Josie Proto - who has been taking the online world by storm with her addictive quirky pop songs. Having just released her debut EP - she is back with a fresh new tune ‘Thank You’. She took a moment to talk to us abut her music. 

Hey Josie - how are you? 
Hiya! Im doing really well! Working super hard on s many cool projects at the moment, and I’m absolutely dying to get them out to everyone! 

So you only recently released your debut EP, but you are back with a brand new track called ‘Thank You’ - can you tell us what that track is about? 
I wrote ‘Thank you’ during lockdown. Being isolated from my friends made me think a lot about all the minor encounters I have with people who I never got to thank. The song is a homage to all the people that have made an impact on me, no matter how small or insignificant, because, ultimately, they have changed something in my life. It’s a very literal song, no hidden meanings, just a stream of consciousness really!

Your lyrics have a unique style - where do you draw influence from when writing them? 
I really just write how I think and speak. I used to get told of in English class at school when I wrote essays because they read like a monologue rather than a well constructed piece of literature. I think it is useful in songwriting because it makes the thought process easy to follow. My influences are usually from very mundane situations and thoughts, things that people go through day to day. I think there is something really interesting in writing about casual, everyday events in ways that people don’t usually think about them.

Who are your key musical influences as an artist? 
I was brought up on the greats but I don’t really listen to loads of music within my own genre. I’m currently (not like I haven’t been for about 2 years) obsessed with Lizzo and her positive vibes massively influence my songwriting. I also am loving a bit of Rex Orange County and Thomas Head-on lyrically right now. They both have really casual talkative and chatty lyrics which align with my ideas on mundanity and relatability. 

If you come sum up your music in a few words - how would you do so? 