Introducing #193 - Re Teu

Fresh from releasing his cinematic diamond of a track ‘To Live’ - London based multi-instrumentalist Re Teu took a moment to talk to us about his music and what his headline show has in store for us this November.

Hey there Re Teu - how are you? So your track ‘To Live’ is out now, can you tell us what it is about? 
"To Live" is about keeping a relationship alive, be it romantic or a friendship. To keep it beating, to live. It came to me in a somewhat natural way looking at the stories of others and myself.

Where was it recorded? Any behind the scenes stories from the creative process you are happy to share with us? 
It was recorded in my room, somewhat of a home studio but was intended to be a demo. Luckily if you're able to get things just right a demo can be the final track with a few tweaks in the mix and mastering process and that is how it was born.

Where are you based? What are your favorite things to do there? 
I am from London, I did go to university in Nottingham and that is where I began my musical journey so I like to keep them both in mind when thinking of where to call "Home". But oddly enough my favorite things to do being born in the city is to enjoy camping, surfing, and other outdoor activities that just make you feel alive and free and calm.

What are your key influences when it comes to your music? 
My number one influence when writing music is feeling. How does this song make you feel, does it invoke feelings of bliss and harmony or conflict and strife? With that I am able to let the instrumentation and sounds guide me to where they see fit.

How would you describe your sound to someone who has never listened to your music before? 
I would describe it as "standing on a mountain in the thick of the ambience and cold, but feeling no chill. Feeling warm and free."

You have a headline show this November in London at the very intimate venue the Brink - what can we expect from a Re Teu show? 
I like to place 100% importance on my shows as it is a chance to bring out that feeling in the music to whoever is viewing and listening. Expect emotion, expect chills...

WTHB OnlineFeatures, Introducing