Inspired #206 - Colorwave


London based band Colorwave released their thumbing high energy track ‘Thirst’ at the start of this year - they took a moment to talk to us about the inspirations behind their music. 

Who are your top three musical inspirations?
It’s obviously super difficult to limit it to only three since inspiration changes through time, mood and a lot of other stuff. The artists we tend to come back to over and over again however are bands like Calva Louise, Marmozets, Now Now and Heisskalt.
COLORWAVE is all about honesty, tough love, DIY and sharing experiences. Calva Louise and Heisskalt are bands that showed us that we are not alone with this mindset.

Is there a certain film that inspires you?
: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Donnie Darko and Utopia (2020 TV-Series) would be my top three. All of these are heavily influenced by music and feature some incredible tracks. Also, they’re making me smile either because they are extremely funny or because of their genius stories and vibes. I get the same feeling when I’m listening to music by Ghost and ABBA. Haha…yes. I’m serious.
Gin: Donnie Darko - for so many reasons, one of them being that the director didn’t compromise on the complexity of the story for the sake of making it more comprehensible to the audience.
It keeps you thinking and feeling every time you watch it. Just like the human experience itself. You cannot water that shit down, it’s complex and intense, simple and calm all at the same time.
Flo: Superbad because it is beyond funny and I am funny, at least I think so. This movie has been the key to many hilarious moments in my youth. Oh and Lord of the Rings - that is the single greatest story ever told.

What city do you find the most inspiring?
: Ooff, that's a loaded question for me at the moment. Until a few months ago, my answer would've been London. Hands down. There is so much soul and inspiration to find in the different cultures, the pace, the alternative music scene, art, pride, history, even in the city’s shortcomings ... it's a magical place! But England's pandemic and Brexit politics have been anything but supportive of venues, artists and everyone working in the cultural sector. The spirit of Londoners is strong! But I can't help but feel a bit worried about what a Post-Brexit London might look like.
So I guess the only option is to fight for the scene and the spirit I love in the city I love.
Jan: Same as Gin.
Flo: Jeez, that is a hard one to answer. I’ve lived in various places over the last couple of months and didn’t feel home in most of them.
I lost all my inspiration, creativity and love for music while living in London and fell into a state of unmotivated darkness. I guess that’s why, as the creative person I am, I find it quite hard to connect to this city right now. There is not much to gain for me and a lot to lose.
Leipzig and Berlin on the other hand are cities that always sparked something in me. It is hard to narrow it down to what exactly ignites that feeling in me, but I’m somehow attracted by the spirit and vibe of those places.
In addition to that I am so curious to see how the European music scene will develop now that so many people are escaping that sinking ship called UK and settle down in Europe again. I think there will be plenty of chances to create new and inspirational hotspots in Germany and the rest of Europe pretty soon.

Who is the most inspiring person to you?
: I really enjoy reading Bryan Lee O’Malley and Neil Gaiman books since they seem to be able to touch me in a very personal way. I can smell, taste and feel the air in those stories.
Gin: To me every human being is a source of inspiration. How our minds and bodies are put together, how and why we deal or don’t deal with things... There’s always something inspiring to find when you put yourself in somebody else’s shoes.
Flo: Fynn Kliemann or Micha Fritz. If you don't know these people you should check them out. Their dedication and love for what they are doing to make their and other people’s lives better is just inspiring.

What were your inspirations when writing your new single?
The main inspiration for THIRST was a deep and primal sense of longing for something that makes you feel alive - like the weirdly comforting sensory overload of dancing in a dark underground venue:
Being part of a rousing crowd in a dimly lit room, collectively giving yourselves to the power of live music blasting from a stage, sweat dripping from the ceiling… You’re by yourself and yet you’re one with everyone and everything around you. It’s like a cathartic ritual for so many!
The craving for this feeling certainly has become too familiar for all of us during these times.
So we wanted to create a track that can immerse you in it as soon as you press the play button - no matter where you are or what’s going on.

How would you like to inspire people?
Since forming in 2015, the three of us have been through a lot together.
Growing and building a life together is an incredible journey and we love sharing it with our fans, normalising the topic of self-acceptance without settling for something that makes you unhappy.
Everyone who sometimes gets stuck overthinking. Who is doing their best to keep themselves together. Who has ever felt like they are not good enough. Who finds it impossible to take a breath and relax sometimes. Who’s ever felt crushed under the weight of expectation.⠀
Welcome home! - All of our songs are for you! If listening to them makes you feel, even just for a second, that you are not alone in anything you are going through - then our job is done!

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