Inspired #239 - Dora Gola


Taking influences from the likes of Kate Bush and Prince - alternative-pop artist Dora Gola has just released her new track ‘Dark Sand’ - the first take from her upcoming debut album. She took a moment to talk to us about the inspirations behind her music. 

Who are your top three musical inspirations?
Kate Bush for her complete authenticity and individuality despite all the critics in the early stage of  her career. Prince for his incredible stage presence, open confidence about his music, going against the grain, mixing the genres and setting new standards in pop music. Hans Zimmer for movie scores out of this world, musicality, impressive arrangements and true cinematic experiences at his concerts. 

Is there a certain film that inspires you? 
I’m a huge Disney & Pixar fan and I find their productions really inspiring. I’m amazed on how many people are involved into making each film and how much time it takes to get it finished. Every project is passion based and everyone who’s involved is completely immersed into it. Film scores for animations and kids films are a lot more musical and thoughtful. They meant to bring you to another world. 

What city do you find the most inspiring?
I’m not a city girl at all and I love living by the coast away from the busy world, but I fell in love with Los Angeles when I lived there for 6 months. I loved the sunshine, lifestyle, beautiful beaches, surf culture, wide range of music and magic of the cinema in the air! Disney World and Universal Studios in one city, yes please! What else would I need? 

Who is the most inspiring person to you?
One of the most inspiring person for me is Kate Bush. I love how she incorporated dance and theatre into her artistry and created her own genre that’s new and refreshing. Despite the negative reviews at the early stages of her career, she was true to her vision did it for the art’s sake. Her record were never the same. As she was growing and changing, the music kept changing too. Kate is an incredible performer and song-writer. Absolutely iconic. 

What were your inspirations when writing your new track?
My inspiration for writing Dark Sand was looking for answers and finding reassurance in nature. It is also about becoming comfortable with the uncomfortable. Being buried in a dark sand puts you in a different perspective. teaches you resilience and adaptation. Those qualities are something I learned from the pandemic.

How would you like to inspire people?
I’d like inspire people by being an example you can achieve whatever you dream of once you work really hard and put your heart into it. No matter what circumstances you find yourself in, you can adapt and change every obstacle into an opportunity. Following your instinct is the best guide  and an advisor. Have the courage to express your sensuality through strong, feminine energy and embrace the power you’ve got within you

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