Inspired #232 - Darla Jade


Darla Jade has just released her new track ‘Slow Motion’ - which is an infectious piece of electro alt-pop. She took a moment to talk to us about the inspirations behind the track. 

Who are your top three musical inspirations?
So in no particular order i would pick -
Sigrid - Her melodies are just the catchiest and I find her music really uplifting - I usually listen to her songs before sessions because her music just puts me in a centered place.
Julia Michaels - Julia's lyrics are INSANE - They are so conversational yet unique - I really don't know how she does it! Plus whenever she writes for other artists and she isn't even singing, I can still tell her writing style from a mile which is such a skill.
AURORA - I really love how Aurora writes about different topics... I've always admired artists that talk about topics other than love. I really like music that has other messages too, for example Aurora's song "The Seed" talks about the environment. And then her song "Queendom" is all about empowerment.

Is there a certain film that inspires you?
I don't tend to watch films that often but one of my childhood favs that still holds a special place is "Matilda" - She was a kid with dreams and knew exactly what she wanted to do. And when I used to watch that as a child, it certainly inspired me to do the same.

What city do you find the most inspiring?
My hometown - Stoke On Trent. There is something about Stoke - everyone is so grounded and the talent here is insane. It holds so many memories as it's where I've grown up and I also still live here!

Who is the most inspiring person to you?
My Nan - She was sooo supportive of my music and used to take me to all my auditions as a kid when I used to do musical theatre. She also let me prance around in her living room dressed in pegs and tea towels singing literally every song I knew when I was around 3 haha!

What were your inspirations when writing your new track?
This new track is inspired from my own feelings - This past year has really made me realise how I rarely let myself live in the moment. I worry too much about the past and the future to the point I forget to live in the now. I also feel that because how fast paced the world is, it's so easy to rush to the next goal/achievement when actually the journey is the most rewarding.

How would you like to inspire people?
I would love to inspire people in some way to follow their own paths and dreams no matter what they are! You can achieve anything if you put your time and energy to it!

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