A Day In The Life Of #26 - Space Tyger

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Space Tyger has floored us all with the release of his latest, smooth as silk single 'Velvet', and we found out a little more about this talented songwriters every day.....

My alarm goes off the first thing I do...
90% of the time whether I'm going to work or not, it's to lay in bed for few minutes in silence. Try and clear my mind for the day, then make coffee.

The typical day involves...
At this point it is usually going to work. I go very early in the morning. I get off at a reasonable time. Might go shoot basketball for awhile. Everyday I try to create or work on something. So then it's usually making a new instrumental, or working on a new track, and sometimes it's painting. I find that very therapeutic for me. By default most of my social time with people is working on music with my friends - who happen to be very talented.

The best part of my day....
My life lately has been pretty heavily working on music, and all that goes with it for the future. So I get pretty hyped when something new is made that I'm proud of. Or get some good news. But I try to not consume myself with all of that. I've had some very random spontaneous moments with friends lately. That's always nice. As obsessive as I am about music and shit, the older I get, the more I appreciate random or hilarious moments with my people.

The worst part of my day...
Waking up super early for work. I enjoy my job but damn. The nature of my lifestyle keeps me up most of the time so the AM comes quick.

At the end of my day I will...
Wind down. Have a drink. Try and turn my mind off for a bit. Sometimes I paint. Sometimes it's a youtube wormhole. Or just something like laundry.

If I wasn't a musician I'd be...

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