Inspired #260 - BOW


Rising British pop artist BOW has just released her new single ‘Stomping Our Feet’ - she took a moment to talk to us about the inspirations behind her music. 

Who are your top three musical inspirations and why?
My top three musical inspirations are Sabrina Claudio, Dua Lipa and Madonna. The reason I'm so inspired by these three is the journey they embarked on to get into the music industry. Although in different ways, each of them took themselves out of their comfort zones, moving cities and in Dua Lipa's case, country, leaving loved ones and taking on what must have been an extremely hard and testing life style to achieve their ultimate goal of getting somwhere in the music industry. All three being women makes their journey's even more inspirational to me.

Is there a certain film that inspires you and why?
Although I adore the film 'Forest Gump', out of the films that I've watched so far, the film I find myself most inspired by is 'Soul Surfer', which is based on the true story of Bethany Hamilton, an up and coming surfer who lost her arm in a shark attack. But defying all odds, she fought her way back to championship level. I think there are so many people who inspire us in life simply because of their sheer determination and unbreakable will, no matter the odds against them.

What city do you find the most inspiring and why?
Being only 16 I haven't had the chance to visit many cities yet, and although I absolutely adore Brighton (the city I was born in) the city I've spent most time in and find most inspiring is Rome. Standing inside the colosseum and imagining events that went on in and around it are inspiring to say the least. The atmosphere in Rome is incredible and the fact that my older sister lives there with my beautiful niece, nephew and lovely husband makes the city even more special for me. Rome is incredibly vibrant, fast paced and just such a cool place to be.

Who is the most inspiring person to you and why?
My mum is the most inspiring person to me. She works tierlessly, all day, everyday to make our lives the best they can possibly be.

What were your inspirations when writing your new EP?
I co write a lot of the songs with my dad and our inspiration for this particular track was Dua Lipa's 'Lost In Your Light' and the Miley Cyrus track 'Midnight Sun'. We felt we wanted to write something quite upbeat, fun and not too serious. 'Stomping Our Feet' is about instant attraction and finding the confidence to do something about it by seizing the moment.

How would you like to inspire people?
I'd like to inspire people by showing them that anyone can and should go after their dream, no matter what anyone else is telling them. I'm extremely passionate about the environment and animal welfare. I've been vegan for three years now, along with the rest of my family, and hope to inspire people to take on a more cruelty free and an environmentally beneficial and sustainable life style.

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