Inspired #298 - MYRA


Emerging Thai-Irish, LA-based performer MYRA has just released her debut single ‘stay’, which is the first taste of her own original music since her popular online covers of Julia by Lauv last year. MYRA took a moment to talk to us about the inspirations behind her music. 

Who are your top three musical inspirations and why?
Elderbrook, Kevin Garrett, and Disclosure. For all three artists, the first time I heard their music I just had to have more. I was immediately hooked and intrigued. Kevin has a way of layering vocals/harmonies… that has always been a soft spot for me. I remember hearing “when a fire starts to burn” and was like “I have to figure out how this was made”. They’re one of the reasons I started producing. And Elderbrook is just a whole vibe. Every song is a banger. He is such an awesome producer.

Is there a certain film that inspires you and why?
When I saw La La Land I watched it again 5 times. I relate so much to the characters especially since I’m also an actor in LA haha. It really is a beautiful and bittersweet film. Not to mention the insane cinematography and killer soundtrack. It’s everything a career driven, hopeful romantic could ask for in a film.

What city do you find the most inspiring and why?
Cliché, but Paris. There’s so much art, so much history, and the city itself is beautiful. You can’t help but be inspired when some of the greatest art lives there/has been filmed there (the Pompidou is my favorite, also shoutout to Midnight in Paris). Also my French is so bad I have no idea what anyone is saying. I’m perfectly unaware haha

Who is the most inspiring person to you and why?
You guessed it, my mom and dad. If they never encouraged and supported me in pursuing music, I might be in accounting right now (no shade to accountants, we need you).

What were your inspirations when writing your new track?
All the above mentioned artists. I took bits and pieces of what I liked from each one and made it my own. Lush harmonies from Kevin, layered percussion from Disclosure, and bold synth layers/bass lines from Elderbrook. I also feel like their music is never boring. There is always a switch up. Whether it’s the beat, the time signature, a whole different cluster of sounds/instruments in a new section etc. It’s fun to keep your ears on its… toes? Haha

How would you like to inspire people?
I started off not knowing a thing about producing and was inspired by my own favorite artists. I dipped my toe in and realized the water was fine. It can be daunting but extremely fun and liberating. I hope I inspire other aspiring creatives to just go for it and do the thing. You’ll thank yourselves (and me hehe) later :)

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