Inspired #304 - Yaz Aiyla


Alternative R&B singer songwriter Yaz Aiyla just released her new single ‘Stay Lost’ - a dreaming track about new love and the excitement it creates. She took a moment to talk to us about the inspirations behind her music. 

Who are your top three musical inspirations and why?
I’d say Erykah Badu, Tame Impala & Haitus Kaiyote - they’re three quite disparate artists, but I think that’s why they’re my top three. They each have so much to give to their genres in such exciting and original ways, and they explore melodies and composition in ways you don’t expect, I can’t get enough of listening to them. Erykah is obviously the queen of Neo-Soul, and has paved the path way for new up and coming soil artists, and has one of the best vocals out there. Tame is one of those artists who’s music fits ever single scenario in life, but you don’t know why haha and his innovation in the psych genre surpasses what you’d think is possible, and the beautiful vocal melodies in Hiatus are something I dream of achieving in my own music one day. They’re three of my top go to artist at all times!

Is there a certain film that inspires you and why? 
Ah this is a tricky one, I think I’d have to go with Lost in Translation . There’s just something about the film that I love, maybe it’s a combination of the beautiful cinematography and colours of Tokyo, mixed with this really nice atmospheric soundtrack that puts me in the most contented mindset. I think it’s just quite nostalgic for me and that’s a feeling I strongly associate with some of my writing.

What city do you find the most inspiring and why?
There’s a few but probably London! I live in London and I’m always inspired by being in the city and being surrounded by the creative people and friends around me. I think it’s also those unexpected moments where you kind of find tranquility amongst the busy chaos. I think especially during the summer time I get that a lot in the city, when you’re at the dusk part of the evening when the sun is setting and you’re chilling with pals in a park or something and there’s a kind of peacefulness to it, i grew up between Devon and Turkey but I feel like I get these oddly nostalgic moments in London where it reminds me of home. Also I just love the diversity of the city, being half Turkish it’s really nice to be able to go to the Turkish areas of London and kind of feel that little bit of home even if it’s not actually in turkey. 

Who is the most inspiring person to you and why? 
My mamma 100%! She is honestly the strongest, kindest and chillest women in the world haha which I know everyone says about their mums but to me she really is! She forever has inspired and encouraged me to pursue my music and when I’ve been at low points she’s helped me pick myself up and keep going.

What were your inspirations when writing your new track? 
I actually had just started speaking to this guy from a dating app, and I started thinking about how lost i felt interacting with a person and connecting with someone again after lockdown, and it all kind of stemmed from that. It just made me think about how we’re all a bit lost learning to connect again but that that’s actually quite a liberating feeling, to embrace being lost in another person and see how things go and where it take you, if that makes sense? 

How would you like to inspire people?
I tried out a lot of stuff before pursuing music properly because I felt a bit lost and had that internal worry, and also just a massive lack of confidence after the loss of my baba (dad), and I’d just like to inspire people that feel those things too, or that have gone through traumas to just bite that nervous bullet and do what they love, because the benefits of doing that outweigh the negatives. Also for me music and the way it’s helped my mental health has been unbelievable, I’ve suffered with sever anxiety but i realised that when you start throwing yourself into your passion, which is music for me, that it helps an incredible amount, and brings you into the present, and I’d love to somehow use my music platform to promote and be an advocate for good mental health and wellbeing!

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