Artist Of The Week #209 - Laufey

This week’s Artist of the Week is LA-based multi-instrumentalist and artist Laufey who has just released her debut album ‘Everything I Know About Love - which is out now via AWAL Recordings. 

Across 12-tracks, Laufey blends modern song structures and sensibilities with the classic musical stylings and instrumentation she learned as a violinist, translating intimate coming-of-age feelings into grand cinematic moments. The album swoons from sweeping orchestral arrangements, to soft jazz vocals that recall the range of golden-age Hollywood musicals.

She took a moment to talk to us about how the album came together. 

Hey there Laufey - how are you? So your album is out now - how does it feel to have it out there in the world?
I’m quite well thank you!! It feels surreal to have it out there in the world - I’m so happy!

It is called ‘Everything I Know About Love’ - what is the meaning behind that?
The album is essentially a collection of songs that illustrate everything I know about love! All the ups, all the downs - it appears that I dont know too much about love haha.

Where was it recorded? Any behind the scenes stories from the creative process you are happy to share with us?
It was mostly recorded in Los Angeles, where I’m based now! We recorded a large portion of the album in the studio rhe Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds album was recorded on and a lot of the piano parts were recorded on Frank Sinatra’s old steinway grand piano!!

What are the key themes and influences on the album?
Lots of classical and jazz influences as well as bossa nova influences!

If the album could be the soundtrack to any film - which one would it be and why?
Oo perhaps When Harry Met Sally or some other Norah Ephron film! They’re so romantic and visually beautiful but also quite funny.

Do you have a favorite lyric on the album - if so, which one and why?
Probably from Dear Soulmate - “maybe I already know you and loathe you but we’ll fall in love some day”. You never really know who you’ll end up falling in love with and I think this lyric perfectly depicts that!

Now the album is out there - what next?
I’m going on my first headline tour soon! I’ll be taking a circle around the US and Europe and im super excited to perform these songs live!

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