Inspired #426 - Margo Raats

Rising alt-pop singer-songwriter Margo Raats has just shared her amazing debut EP ‘Paper Paradise’.

Belgium-born, London-based rising alt-pop star Margo Raats has released her highly anticipated EP, ‘Paper Paradise’. Continuing to take us on a journey into her ethereal  world, the singer-songwriter reflects on her move to the big city.

Exploring themes of disposable love in a chaotic generation, to the disillusionment of living in London, “Paper Paradise” is an honest and raw account of Margo Raats’ twenty-something experience. Living in a time where accessibility is unlimited, dating has become more complex than ever. Forming deeper connections is often rare and instead commitment is discarded. Floating through the sounds of both “Ocean `Lights”, a song about finding love amidst the city night life and “Crying In The Taxi”, a nod to letting go and celebrating the release of crying and leaning in. 

She took a moment to talk to us about the inspirations behind her music.

Who are your top three musical inspirations and why?
Joni Mitchell: everything about her art moves me so much. I think she is such a gift, her songs give me clarity, I think that’s very powerful in music, to me. FKA Twigs: I love her production and the world around her, the way she puts stuff together is just incredible v big fan! I also love Patsy Cline as well, the longing in her vocals is so beautiful I find it very inspiring.  

Is there a certain film that inspires you and why? 
Fantasia 1940, is incredible. I love the way the whole movie is put together, it looks so so beautiful and feels like magic, the music is beautiful too! I think you can also really feel the amount of hours and detailing that went into creating this, it’s a piece of art. My favourite scene is the Fantasia Faries - Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, I must have watched it a million times.

What city do you find the most inspiring and why? 
I’ve been to Bergen in Norway a couple of times, the artwork for Paper Paradise was shot there and a lot of music was made there, just the untouched nature and the overall landscape but also it's pretty small I can walk around the whole city. The place just brings me peace but also feels very inspiring at the same time, it’s just such a lovely place. I would recommend it to anyone. 

Who is the most inspiring person to you and why? 
Probably, my dad. We’ve always made music together growing up and he can play every instrument and is so knowledgable about everything, I’m always learning so much about music when we hang out. I also love Rick Owens I love listening to him speak, I think he is such a wise human and I love his work a lot.

What were your inspirations when writing your new EP? 
Paper Paradise was inspired by love in the city but also my overall life experiences around the time of the making of the ep. I’m always trying to write about stuff that feels real to me, certain questions I ask myself, I think music brings me clarity in that way. The ep also captures themes of self-doubt and a disposable world but also just the struggles of growing up.  

How would you like to inspire people?
I hope my music can become a soundtrack of someone’s memory, I think making people feel understood through music is very beautiful too but at the end of the day, it’s not really up to me, it’s whatever people do with it.

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