Single Review: Stealing Signs - 'Hide and Seek'.

Essex assemblage Stealing Signs are a band who constantly push the boundaries of sub-genres and successfully opt between different styles of music in a seemingly effortless fashion. Their latest single 'Hide and Seek', which will feature on the bands upcoming EP due for release later this month, is an awesome manifestation of experimental success, bringing something refreshingly innovative to the table.

'Hide and Seek' is an up-beat track which offers the listener a gentle invitation into a mystifying realm of relaxation, whilst triggering a reward response that has the capability of accelerating individuals into a state of intense excitement and happiness. Front man Nick Acton's voice resembles that of American rock artist Patrick Stump; a feel-good masterpiece that is flawlessly complimented by his instrumental accomplices. By deviating from orthodox values something peculiarly brilliant is formed. 'Hide and Seek' will no doubt act as the basis of rapid headway towards vast recognition for these guys, as they show no sign of slowing down.

The quartet are steadily proving themselves as an absolute necessity to the library of any music enthusiast. Catch them on tour later this year as they visit London, Leeds and Essex amongst other major UK cities promoting their new material.

Words and thoughts of Dan Somogyi

‘Hide and Seek’ will be released 29th June 2015

UK / EU Tour Dates
1st July - 93 Feet East - London
3rd July - The Verve - Leeds
4th July - The Fling Festival - Chelmsford
11th July - Brownstock Festival - Essex
8th August - The Horn - St Albans 
9th August - The Queens Head - London
9th October - Facebar - Reading

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