Album Review: VASA - 'Colours'.

In an attempt to ward off the resentment provided by the post-festive, predictable-yet-utterly-futile health kick, efforts are being made to mop up any music gems from 2015 yet to command the full attention of WTHBlows.

Scottish rockers VASA’s debut album, 'Colours' released at the tail end of last year, is an instrumental ode to guitarist Blaine Thompson’s synaesthesia, a condition that can result in a person visualising colours upon hearing musical notes. Given the album’s sheer devotion to exploring the widest spectrum possible in terms of energetic riffs, one can only imagine the overwhelming kaleidoscope that emerged from the walls of the band’s rehearsal space.

Frenetic opener ‘Smashletes’ jumps excitedly out of the speakers, its 40-second explosion providing a microcosm of the joyous riff-fest to come. Leading straight into ‘As Long As It Doesn’t Explode’, comparisons to Mastodon-on-happy-pills (possibly) pretty much springs to mind, with the technical barrage of solos intertwined with catchy blasts of chords and underpinning superb rhythm section.

Whilst reviewing new music provides a near-endless source of great song titles, ‘Fat Ronaldo’ is certainly one of the more memorable efforts from last year. Luckily, the track continues the set-to-ace vibes of the album, driving along with ideas aplenty and some neat high-end guitar work to boot. ‘Not A Cop’ provides more jaw-dropping moments with the drum and guitar dial somehow cranked up a notch. Although a brief sign of restrain raises its head midway, this is promptly kicked into touch with the track brought to a typically frantic conclusion.

Although the atmospherics of ‘Punched’ bring some genuine respite to proceedings, ‘The Angry Dome’ provides an album highlight from an album chock-full of highlights. Not content with bringing some welcome math-rock flourishes to the table, following track ‘Cynthia’ also boasts some great space-rock elements as well. ‘Ergonomic Keyboard’ and ‘Poseidon’s Kiss’ are strong albums closers, leaving the listening thinking a) what was this monstrous noise, and b) why can’t all music be this thrilling?

Overall, this album is an undoubted triumph, serving to brightening up any start to 2016 (which, let’s face it, from a musical perspective has already delivered some hugely sad events). Worth noting that VASA are touring the UK in March-April. On this evidence, it should be nothing short of stunning.

Words of DS_convertible